Covid19 and the insurance

My trip has been canceled and I cannot start my vacation. It's annoying enough, we know that we all have to do our own part to fight Corona at the moment.

Financially, of course, we don't want to stay at the expense. The call to the travel industry is clear and clear: "Dear customers, please accept a voucher, a shift in the trip". More and more specialist lawyers say that the customer does not have to do this, he can insist on the repayment of his travel price. Since you absolutely wanted to do and booked the trip, you can say that you just move. This helps the organizer and also has some anticipation on the tour, which is still in front of you.

The information we have researched here does not claim to be complete or legal. They also do not relate exclusively or primarily to cacher trips, but relate to the general travel market. Many travelers will now be dealing with the topic of travel cancellation insurance for the first time. The consideration of canceling a trip for cost reasons and in the knowledge that nothing will happen is often pushed into the background in the anticipation of the trip.

Many participants are currently having the money paid back and are planning to book the trip again. This can be a backfire in the free travel market. If a customer accepts a voucher or a postponement of the trip, then he is entitled to the service for the amount already agreed in the contract. Should the same trip become more expensive, then the customer does not have any higher costs. There is a likelihood that flight and hotel costs will increase. In this respect, you can see the already paid travel price as a "piggy bank" - you leave the money where it is and get the service later - maybe cheaper than the next participant, who can then only book more expensively.

But what if you have to or want to withdraw from the trip?
This is where travel cancellation insurance could come into play. If you have completed this. Or you have a credit card that includes this travel cancellation insurance. Don't worry, we're not promoting any particular card or company here!

Basically, travel cancellation insurance applies in the following cases:

  • Death of a close relative
  • Severe, short-term illness, also Covid19 (documented by a medical certificate)
  • Officially ordered entry bans (here, however, the insurance companies differ greatly, read carefully!)
  • Accidents with serious health consequences
  • Pregnancy or pregnancy complications
  • Unexpected job loss for operational reasons
  • Vaccination intolerance
  • Serious damage to property (e.g. apartment fire)
  • Court summons

Travel cancellation insurance often does not apply to:
  • Fear of illness (also Covid19)
  • State authority measures/force majeure (e.g. ordered quarantine)
  • Travel warning from the Federal Foreign Office (the organizer is required here)
  • Restrictions due to security measures at the holiday location
  • Cancellation of the travel provider due to the corona virus (here the organizer is asked)

Current: in the case of proven infection with the corona virus by a medical certificate, the protection of a travel cancellation insurance applies and the cancellation costs are reimbursed in full by the insurer.
Otherwise, the following applies: consult the insurer and take a close look at statements about pandemics in your insurance policy. 

Before canceling a trip, you should contact the organizer, better move the travel date or agree on a credit note.

Some travelers know that their credit card also includes a flat-rate cancellation insurance, either automatically or at an additional cost. Here you often do not have to specify the specific trip, but have protection for all trips in the year. The types of insurance can vary greatly. Travel cancellation or travel interruption, international health or accident insurance are just a few examples.

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