GeoTour "Fascination Water" in Wiesbaden

Without water, there is truly nothing going on on our planet. Today we start with a fresh GeoTour in Wiesbaden into the world of the liquid element. In this article we tell you what you can discover on the GeoTour and what else water has to offer in terms of geocaching.

Geocaching in the Hessian state capital

Today we launched our new GeoTour in Wiesbaden to coincide with the Day of Water together with ESWE. There are big and small boxes to be found that will always be fun day or night. And already tonight the geocaching community gave us favorite points. Many thanks at this point for the support already on the hatching day of the GeoTour!

The Faszination Wasser GeoTour (GT4BA) offers you an adventure hunt through the Hessian state capital. The occasion for the installation of the GeoTour is the Wiesbaden "Year of Water 2022". Reason enough for ESWE Supply to send you on an exciting GPS scavenger hunt across five stations through a particularly beautiful piece of Wiesbaden nature. These five stations are:

  • The fascination of water: there is no life without water
  • The fascination of water: drinking water
  • The fascination of water: groundwater
  • The fascination of water: health
  • Fascinating water: giant Ekko

What is water?

What ideas and images does real-life water trigger in you? Water is simply fascinating, because after all, all living things ultimately come from water. At each station of the GeoTour you will learn interesting facts about our elixir of life. The GeoTour is a circular route in nature on which you will encounter exciting puzzle fun.

The mere fact that water can have such different properties is important for us humans: we can skate on ice or throw ourselves with snowballs. We cook our food with water and drink delicious mineral water. Water sports and holidays by the sea are unthinkable without the life-giving liquid. What is a very important part of our lives.

The deep sea and its mysterious inhabitants are still relatively unexplored and when you consider how much water covers our earth, the global importance becomes even more astonishing. No wonder that two of the 17 UN sustainability goals deal with water and focus on its fair distribution.

SDG 6 “Clean water and sanitation” aims to ensure the availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all. SDG 14 "Life below water" urges us all to conserve and sustainably use oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development. We are all involved in the concrete everyday implementation of these goals. And the new GeoTour in Wiesbaden also draws attention to this.

What else does Wiesbaden have to offer?

Wiesbaden scores with other sights and activities: 15 thermal and mineral springs make the city one of the oldest spas in Europe. Last but not least, water plays a very special role in this region. Of course there are many more geocaches hidden in and around Wiesbaden that you want to explore. There are currently over 2400 geocaches within a radius of 15 kilometers. So, why not simply combine our new GeoTour with other destinations?

Wiesbaden is one of the core cities of the Frankfurt/Rhine-Main metropolitan region. You have the opportunity to embark on an adventurous cultural and natural journey through Hesse by public transport or a sustainable vehicle of your choice. You can plan your trip at Or simply get in touch with our team from Cacher-Reisen and tell us what you would like to see and experience in a geocaching travel group in Hesse. Nearer big cities, which are also surrounded by nature. would be Darmstadt and Frankfurt, for example. But the state capital of Rhineland-Palatinate is also almost directly opposite and is only a stone's throw away from Wiesbaden.

Geocaching is a great way to plan getaways along a route. Or you can proceed thematically and specifically select geocaches that deal with water, for example. The advantage of a GeoTour is that the individual stations are already designed to be coherent and fit together. On the GeoTour "Fascination Water" we have combined adventure and nature experience with easily digestible bits of knowledge for you. We look forward to your visit in Wiesbaden and if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask!

What are GeoTours?

The Geocaching Headquarters describes GeoTours in a nutshell and what you get from this extraordinary outdoor game: "Combine geocaching and travel to improve your vacation. GeoTour hosts highlight the best of the best at your destination. Discover the possibilities, plan with interactive maps and use the official Geocaching®® app on site. Find all caches in a GeoTour to get a unique digital souvenir. The hardest part will be which GeoTour you want to complete first! Pack your bags and embark on a cache-pedition.”(, 22.03.2022)

Our team from the Secret Point GmbH, which also designs and carries out cacher trips, has already installed several GeoTours throughout Germany. As leading experts for the implementation of geocaching adventures of all kinds, we look forward to your very personal travel requests. So please: Write us an email, contact us via social media and pick up the phone and give us a call. Here on you can already see the variety of travel options that are possible in combination with geocaching. Don't limit your horizons and join us on cacher trips. With this in mind: See you soon in the forest!

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