Leibniz Ge(o)secrets: With geocaching on an educational trip through Hanover

Don't panic, it's not going to be highly academic just because the speech is by Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz. After all, when geocaching, you want to have fun and explore the area. Today we want to make our GeoTour "Leipniz' Secrets" tasty for you. So please, clear the stage for the pop star of science.

Leibniz is celebrating another anniversary

This year Leibniz fans celebrated his 375th birthday. And yes, it's true: the famous butter biscuit was named after the prominent scientist. Hanover's most famous resident Leibniz lived from 1646 to 1716 and discovered a lot of things during his lifetime. The good gentleman was born in Leipzig, but the universal genius breathed his last in our home zone Hanover.

In 2016, the SecretPoint team developed a GeoTour on the occasion of the Leibniz year (the city celebrated the anniversary of his death at that time). It goes without saying that we have spared no effort and evenLeibniz Grave brought back to life. The final resting place is busier than ever, because here you will find not only his skeleton but also a log book in which you are welcome to write your names once you have found it. Of course, Herr Leibniz doesn't just spit out the geocache, which is why you have to solve a riddle first. But don't worry: You definitely don't need a degree in physics for this!

The many festivals and activities around Leibniz show that the scientist is still up to date: Last but not least, our GeoTour shows that he and his way of thinking are still up to date. In the next section you will see which stations we want to show you in Hanover with fun puzzles and a touch of science. With geocaching you will discover the most famous resident of Hanover and his places of work on site.

The Hanover region is not only worth a cacher trip thanks to Leibniz. If you are very interested in science but prefer outdoor action, then our GeoTour is the right choice for you. But see for yourself what adventures you can experience in Hanover.

On a GeoTour through Hanover and the region

Sometimes it's not insanely distant journeys that stick in your memory for a long time. It is much more important to experience something really beautiful and at the same time totally exciting. Of course, we also love long geocaching tours through distant and foreign countries. But here in Germany there are also beautiful areas that we want to show you with our geocaches, which we have designed with passion. So back to Leibniz and Hanover.

The Leibniz GeoTour includes a total of 14 treasures. If the world around the scientist Leibniz is not enough for you, then you can also complete the complete GeoTour "Geosecrets of the Hannover Region" with over 85 geocaches. So much for the numbers, here is the geocache list for Leibniz:
  • Leibniz shows his skills as an engineer: Water art of the Herrenhausen Gardens and a mysterious one Room
  • Hanover Town Hall contains a mysterious of a special kind
  • Of course she wears it too university in Hanover Leibniz name and if there is not a construction site here, there is also a geocache for you to discover.
  • Direct 4 challenges are waiting on Temple (Herrenhäuser Allee) on you.
  • The Whereigo Cache "Leibniz` Geosecrets: Back then" you an unsolved mystery in the Schloßstraße. Can you perhaps unravel it?
  • In the historical Library you will surely find out about the court councilor and librarian of Duke Johann Friedrich and crack the treasure.
  • What would a universal genius be without his own museum? In Hanover are hidden in the Leibniz Museum not just old secrets.
  • Ohne Golden Cookie und Coffee Leibniz would certainly not have started his exciting day.
  • Bonus and more: You can find the complete one on geocaching.com Geological secrets of the Hanover region GeoTour (GT31)
We were very happy about this testimonial and hopefully it will also motivate you to visit Hanover:

“On the occasion of the Leibniz Year 2016 in Hanover, we had the idea of a geocaching tour in the footsteps of Leibniz. Thanks to the professional and creative implementation of our partner, Secret Point GmbH, this GeoTour "Leibniz' Ge(o)heimnisse" has been very popular with both experienced geocachers and curious people. Anyone who comes to Hanover can track down 14 exciting geocaches that take up the work and inventions of Leibniz in an entertaining way, encourage puzzles and at the same time invite you to discover the Leibniz city of Hanover. Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz lived and researched in Hanover for 40 years until his death in 1716. He is considered the last universal scholar.” (www.hannover.de/leibniz)

GeoTour: What is it anyway?

GeoTours are the perfect combination of geocaching and travel. We are happy to show you the most beautiful and exciting corners with our GeoTours. And if you have found all the geocaches of a GeoTour, you will of course get a souvenir. This is also the case with the geocaches in Leibniz Hannoverische Welt.

Leibniz would certainly have been geocaching around the area. But the versatile scientist prefers the mathematical basis for the Global Positioning System, in short GPS, placed. As you probably know, we need GPS signals for geocaching. Without this information, our smartphones wouldn't have the faintest idea of the coordinates. It's crazy that without Leibniz' ideas on the binary number system, geocaching wouldn't be so easy today. To be fair, it should be mentioned here that GPS was of course also influenced and developed by other people.

Enough history of technology, back to the modern scavenger hunt: The Hanover region impresses with a very high density of caches, which has many exciting places in store for you. So you can put together geocaches thematically according to your taste. Whether educational trip or travel adventure: Geocaching should be fun and that's why you decide where to go and which cacher route you take.

Hanover: An area for people who love to travel

When it comes to GeoTours and other geocaching adventures, you can contact us at any time. In addition, we are of course very familiar with many places and can certainly give you the right insider tip. Geocaching is also a nice pastime for business travelers to get to know the Hanover region and its highlights.

Last but not least, a few links for more information about the Hanover region:

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