Mega - Asked - Can I really get to the airport without anything?

On February 29th this year we were represented with a booth at the beautiful Mega Beethoven in Bonn. Our booth was well attended, many geocachers informed themselves.

General questions that do not relate specifically to a trip are certainly of interest to several geocachers. We wanted to address these questions and hope that many will read our information. In the next few days you will be able to read something of general interest under the heading "Mega Questions".

And I really get to the airport without anything?

Yes, almost. It is really the case today that it is completely sufficient if you come to the airport with your passport. Okay, some money and/or a credit card are also great for a vacation. But for the flight you only need your passport.

We have prepared everything else for you!

It is possible that our travel companion will already be waiting for you at the airport with documents about the flight. In any case, on short trips, these are already the finished boarding passes, so that we can go through the security check quickly and easily with our hand luggage. On long-haul flights, we go to the baggage check-in counter together. Either the boarding passes are then available there or occasionally our printed boarding passes are replaced for you by solid paper from there.

But you don't have to have anything in hand beforehand.

It is also not an exception or specialty of cacher trips that participants of a group trip simply have to come to the airport with a passport. Today, in the age of digitization, this is almost the normal way, even with other travel agencies or other tour operators. As I said, we have prepared this for you!

The only exception is if you want to use a Rail&Fly ticket. Then of course you need this train ticket and proof of flight in hand. All those affected have been informed of this and received the necessary papers by email a few days before the trip.

Otherwise: don't pack too much, a credit card or cash won't hurt and the most important thing is you and your passport!

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