Mega - Asked - How many people work at cacher trips

As you may have noticed, we had a stand at the Mega Beethoven in Bonn last Saturday. You may have seen pictures on our Instagram or Facebook channels.

Even if it takes a lot of time in advance and we still have to fit this in between our trips, such a stand on a Mega is always awesome for us. There is nothing nicer than being able to quickly and easily clarify questions, to be able to assign names to faces and to be able to explain what cacher trips actually do. And we know that the same applies to you in reverse. We really enjoyed Saturday in Bonn and would like to thank all visitors to the stand for coming!

At breakfast the next morning, the people with the dark red T-shirts sat down again and exchanged the most frequently asked questions, ideas, etc.
We came up with the idea that we could share general questions that have reached us with everyone. These questions are certainly of interest to more geocachers….

In the next few days you will be able to read something that is of general interest under the heading "Mega - Inquired".

Today we want to start with the question of how many people work at cacher trips.
This question is not easy to answer. Or is it as simple as that and then it sounds wrong.

So, travel planning is usually the responsibility of Annette.
Most of you will have already experienced me on a trip, as I have accompanied most of the tours so far. After you have planned a trip, it is also important that I can see what needs to be changed or what is good and should be retained during the implementation. Therefore, the first (and maybe also the second) execution of a trip is mostly in my hands.
Since we have grown steadily in recent years, it is now necessary that there are other travel companions for individual trips. These can be other experienced tour participants who are already active in the tourism industry, or employees of our company who are otherwise active in other areas. You are of course well informed in advance and take over the implementation of the trip from the meeting point.

For cacher trips, there are also a few employees working in the background with whom you have no contact, but who are very important to ensure that everything runs smoothly. On the one hand, this is accounting, on the other hand, IT and other things.

Cacher-Reisen is one of the mainstays of the company Secret Point, which belongs to Daniel Pflug. Other areas are energy tours for school classes, escape rooms, caches for companies, geocaching for private events (birthdays, children's parties, bachelor parties...) and corporate events. A wide range that you can best experience if you come and visit us at our mega in Hanover on September 13th this year!

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