Tour im Aying-Land

Travel report of our tour through the Ayinger-Land 2020
Aying cache paradise
You've never heard of Aying? I felt the same way, until I met a traveler who came from nearby and said, no better raved.
Of course, my curiosity was aroused and when you look at as a place Aying, you will actually only find caches with a very high Favo number.
A companion was quickly found and the two of them went to Aying-Land. Our goal was to visit all of the Owner Team Aying caches. We had time for this from Monday to Friday, including the days of arrival and departure.
Since we are coming from the north-west of Munich, we had to go around Munich. Aying is “behind”. For the journey we had considered a stop before Munich. With geocache, of course. The Aying team isn't represented there, but somehow the cache #1 is part of agent training, but also a bit of it. The cache #3 agent training is then again from Team Aying…. Well, it seemed like the ideal break for us – and it turned out to be. And then it went on the Munich Ring to Aying.
Team Aying
Das Team Aying wurde im Mai 2016 von Martin und Markus (Die Rooneys und sinnesfr3unde) gegründet. Bald kam Anton (GoaßenToni, den einige von so mancher Cacher-Reise ja kennen) dazu und ganz frisch ergänzt Helmut (Kumuddel) das Team. 4 Mann mit tollen Ideen und viel Handwerkskunst, können wir nur bestätigen.
Wir haben ganz explizit auch die Erlaubnis erhalten, über die Caches zu berichten. Das ist nicht immer so, wenn man über Caches bloggen will….. Da Aying ja nicht gerade der Nabel von Deutschland ist (bitte entschuldigt, dafür liegt es wunder-wunderschön!), werden die Caches nicht von soooo vielen Besuchern besucht, wie sie sicherlich verdient hätten. Mit unserem Bericht wollen wir Euch ein wenig ermuntern, das Aying-Land mal zu besuchen.
Es gibt eine Internetseite des Teams,, mit der sie Geocacher beim Cachebau unterstützen möchten und natürlich auf ihre Caches aufmerksam machen.
1. Cache: Agententraining
We start directly on the approach with agent training #1, GC665ER. This cache isn't from the owner team Aying, but somehow belonged to it or something like that. Since we want to play #3, we naturally wanted to have done #1 as well. However, when we arrived, #2 was closed, so it stayed with #1 and #3.....
But #1 was worth it! The cache is listed as a letterbox and with currently around 55% Favo rate it doesn't exactly have the highest ranking of our tour. However, the photos promise a nice walk and for us it is a welcome change on the drive. Coming from the north-west, we want to go to Aying-Land, which for us is "behind" Munich. That's where Agent Training #1 is quite good for a break.
At station 2 we looked for the wolf. We tried to interpret the hint and find something - quite difficult at a crossroads in the field. We turned every stone... Then we went back to the car, a little frustrated about the bad start of our caching vacation. You drive past the spot again by car and we were still puzzling. But it didn't leave us alone, so we got out again - and as always: if you can read, you have a clear advantage! There is no station here yet!!!! And already it slipped! Parked the car again and started this really great round on foot. Yes, there is a few meters of hiking to come, but so is the wildlife enclosure. And we were more than excited about that. The animals were trusting and we spent some time taking photos. Then it continued on the way of the letterbox. All stations were easy to find. You often look for solid metal labels with information. As usual with a letterbox, you have a description of a route. At one point we got stuck again, reading the listing helped us here too. Here one of the small plaques was missing and the solution was already in the hints. So no problem at all if you concentrate. As "Agent X" we bravely fought our way through the cache. The finale was easy to find.
Because we were prepared, but didn't have all the materials with us, we were initially unsure whether we would be able to work out all the solutions. We had a compass with us, but no printout. And the compass doesn't look really good on the cell phone display. But we didn't need it either. With a bit of a practiced eye, you can find the right solution without a compass and printout – only with a ruler and mobile phone display.
All in all, we found this letterbox to be very well made. Old school, no newfangled frills with a lot of technology. We were involved in the agent's story and felt well prepared for the days to come. We got through the cache well in the specified time of 2 hours on the 3 km route. It is also particularly nice that there is a banner when you have proven yourself as an agent.
Apartment in Aying Land
On the Team Aying website you will find some suggestions for accommodation and also for the – important – food. We had chosen the Broich apartment, which was a stroke of luck.
Pretty happy with the outcome of this letterbox on our way, we drove around Munich and arrived at our beautiful apartment. We chose Mr. Horst Broich's holiday apartment Broich because the location to our planned caches was simply good. More information is available here: www.Ferienwohnungen Oberpframmern is a small place that doesn't have much to offer - apart from the convenient location to Team Aying's caches and the great holiday apartment. We had a large eat-in kitchen, a living room and two bedrooms. The second bedroom is in the basement and allows you to sleep in even if someone is already active in the apartment on the ground floor. The bathroom is modern and a good size. Both the kitchen and the living room lead to the terrace, which is furnished with chairs and a table. From here you have a wonderful view of the landscape. Real holidays in Bavaria. The kitchen is equipped with everything you could wish for. And the apartment is also suitable for the smaller purse. However: cash payment provided. But you can plan for that…..
2. Cachestation: Aying has the longest…..
Aying has the longest... - that's the name of the cache we visited first in Aying. It wasn't laid by Team Aying, but it's almost impossible to miss. GC7B9FZ suggests a slightly slippery cache with the funny saying. When you're there, you know what's going on. But finding it and having your own image with the object is far from enough. It is also about finding solutions to questions. Seven waypoints are given, some of the answers really surprised us. Specifically, after a americanophilen Celebrity asked. I had never heard of that... There you can see again: caching is educational.
Catering in the Ayinger Braustübl
We actually only went to this cache because we wanted to have dinner in the nearby inn in Aying, the Ayinger Braustübl. That's a good decision, by the way!
At the end of the evening we had the feeling that we had already seen the whole of Aying. It's really not a big city.
In the restaurant itself there is also a cache of Team Aying. After a delicious Bavarian dinner, we made our way to this cache under Corona conditions.

3. Cache: Ayinger Braustübl
What else should the cache be called? After all, it is in the Braustübl beer garden and was of course laid with the landlord's permission. You are certainly doing him, but also yourself, a great favor if you stop here before or after the cache. In any case, it's not a mistake!
Unfortunately, we got to the cache in the dark (but chatted too long....) and were still flashed. In keeping with our status, we filled out the special log book and made sure that our names could also be read “the right way round”. If you want to understand that now, drive by!
4. Cache: Hanging by a thread
Because we weren't tired at all and were far too excited, we convinced our driver to head for this one last cache. The GC6MPE2 includes a direction finding task that we had of course solved before at home. We didn't quite understand the hint, but it's usually clear on site. Same here. We arrived and it quickly became clear how to get the logbook. Not for the first time - and not for the last time on our tour - I thought that I would like to be able to build something like this....
Our first day in Aying-Land came to an end with this cache and lots of impressions.

Day 2 in Aying Land
The next day started for us with the FdS round. FdS stands for "For the Statistics" and gives the geocacher not only cache finds, but also a favorite point for every 10 finds, provided you are a premium member. Even if you don't necessarily need these favos for this round - you definitely need them for the Aying-Land - it's good if you have 3 more favos available at the end. However, you also take part in bycatch during the round - and you get rid of the favos again....
The FdS round is nothing special. That's not how she's meant to be. Really for the stats. You can ride a bike or use the car.
We decided to do the lap in ascending order and start at number 1 accordingly. We take the "bycatch" as it comes and thus have some highlights on the lap. So, no boring car ride, but get out every now and then, walk a few meters and also install special caches. Can be recommended!
Our first exceptional stop is at TB Landhotel Hofolding, GC6G9QR.
What should I write here? A TB hotel at its finest. You would like to be TB yourself....
And then the FDS round starts for us. After only 2 caches of the round, we come to an out-of-order cache: Fifty-Fifty, GC6MPD2. As expected, you have two chances or two choices here. Of course we didn't find the logbook until the second... With all caches of the FdS round and also with this one, great care was taken to ensure that the car can stand safely. Only once over a zebra crossing and there was nothing standing in the way of your search.
And then he comes! My personal favorite of the Team-Aying caches! The running schnitzel. More precisely: the scavenger hunt, GC6XC0Z. Yes, it doesn't mean something like snippets that you used to play in the forest or not quite normal geocaching. What is really meant here is a running schnitzel, a little pig that becomes a schnitzel... Well, nothing for vegetarians! And not the best thing about the cache, but very practical and tasty: right in the immediate vicinity of the cache you can also test the piglet, no, of course the schnitzel, at the end of your tour. And bring the Tupperware with you!
A little more about my favorite cache here: you stop at a restaurant parking lot. Already very appropriate. You have space here! At station 1: a missing person report! Since the last meeting of the butchers' guild, Willy Wutz, an Ayinger country pig, has been sought. Always fascinating, the irony and wit with which the texts and details of Team Aying's caches are peppered! A code gives access to a video. And I could have had enough of that. Short version: little pig – knife – schnitzel. Breaded and Viennese style (the little pig would not fit for Wiener Schnitzel – so only Viennese style...) Sounds mean? No, it's sooooo cute! Through the video, the inclined geocacher learns the path he has to take. Then comes a funny station and off you go to the final. Everything in a small space, no long hike. You always stay close to the restaurant....
And at the final a nice hiding place with little tricks and a nice matching stamp for our stamp book. Yes, what more could you ask for? This pleases the cacher and you can see the accuracy and joy with which Team Aying prepares its caches. No small children's Tschibo stamp, there is always a joy for every stamp book. The owners' affinity for the 3D printer also becomes clear when you first look at one or the other station and don't discover anything that doesn't belong here. The cache had 89% favorite points during our visit. Always incomprehensible to me where the remaining 11% are…. But just take a look for yourself.
We only treat ourselves to the accompanying schnitzel (actually there are 2-3 on a plate....) in the evening after we have finished our cache round.
After a few caches of the for-the-stats round, variety returns in the form of cache patience or skill, GC6YVN9. Also, like the scavenger hunt, a letterbox.
We definitely use the ladder, which comes with the car anyway. According to the listing, you don't need it, but it doesn't hurt either! It's easy to locate, but it's a bit of a challenge for our non-climbing team to salvage the can. And then came the real challenge. In short: it took longer! But it is a nice challenge and a welcome change for us. Anyone who could somehow spare it also gave a favorite point here, which the cache really deserves.
And we continued on our FdS round. Actually, the FdS round comes up far too short here. There are many caches that would be worth a special mention simply because of their very scenic location or because of their unusual cache dwelling (3D printer).
Our next "other cache" was the Matjoschka, GC79P1A. Here you get what you expect – just different…. Solidly built cache that will definitely put a smile on your face.
And it continues with a highlight of the day: the Dosomat, GC79P1N, is on our list as the next cache. I had expected something different here, but that was typical for Team Aying. Solidly made, high fun factor paired with a funny saying - definitely a cache with a blue heart with us now. Big and small can have fun here! Of course, we also visit the bonus for this cache - definitely a very good idea to keep the cachers in order. Of course we would have cleaned up anyway. But even more so with a bonus cache.
After a few caches from the FdS round, it was time to return to the schnitzel! And I can't help but make you a little jealous here. It was a huge plate! And more importantly: it was even tastier than it looks.

We strengthened ourselves with a "Haferl" before we finished the loop and came to the Via Julia, GC79P2X, as dusk fell.
For my practiced accompaniment it was more or less a handle. But I think you can despair here... In any case, I have to repeat myself: well done!
When darkness falls, we end our FdS round. It was a great day, which was long but very entertaining.
I have not yet reported on the cache "Good to Birds", GC79P1W. And anyone who has now been paying attention in German class knows that the capitalized word Vogeln does not mean anything morally reprehensible (because then it would have to be written in lowercase as a verb!), but that it is about our feathered friends. With currently 95% favorites it is a multi of Team Aying, which we were really looking forward to. As expected: lovingly made with a little dash of humor and lots of lovely details. The tasks at the stations are not difficult and we reach the final in good spirits. End? Finished? Are you kidding me? Are you serious when you say that! This is where the fun started. Of course we can't spoil too much here, you should be as amazed as we are until you finally hold the log in your hands.
Day 3 and 4 in Aying Land
One day in Aying-Land is not enough if you want to visit and enjoy all of this team's caches. We still have a lot planned for days 3 and 4.
In the morning we go for a little round outside of Team Aying's caches. Yes, of course there are other cachers in the area who lay quite nice geocaches. Our goal was to visit all of Team Aying's caches. Nevertheless, you can also take a look... Listing all caches would of course be nonsensical. The geocacher can look at the map. But this one deserves a mention: The Lerhaz Umritt, GC7WKNK. At first I was put off by the almost unpronounceable title, but in the listing you get information about what this means. Was interesting too! But even more interesting is the hint, without which we probably wouldn't have found this cache. It's no ordinary can. More or less by accident - when you have to support yourself or hold on - we found this cheeky cache. Again a smile on your face! I have many pictures and videos of this - but they are really not to show. You have to treat yourself to the fun....

I have to mention another cache - outside of the Team-Aying series. Simply because for me it was so typically Bavarian, warm....
The cache BiGaDo Hohenbrunn, GC7PM8K, once again takes the geocacher close to a beer garden. That's what BiGaDo = Biergartendose stands for. You can, but of course you don't have to, strengthen yourself here. The cache coordinates show behind the house, you are standing in the small parking lot of the beer garden. And then? You don't have much choice with the coordinates. There's a sign saying to park forward. Logically, otherwise the house wall would certainly not look so good. Fingered the sign in the old cacher way and felt something...

But not that you think there's something behind the shield or magnetically attached to it. It's not quite that simple and we didn't lose a blue heart for nothing! Really simple, but so beautifully done. We'll try to recreate that in the beautiful Palatinate!
Today we have the ASR round on the screen. Only yesterday the FdS, today ASR... What abbreviations. ASR stands for Ayinger Schlemmer Runde. Hm, is there anything to eat on the way? A hut at every station? Unfortunately we are disappointed. Feasting is only after the round! We start in the really beautiful village of Aying. We think we know our way around here quite well. It doesn't take that long for the size. But you always see new corners and with the ASR you will soon be heading into the woods around the village. A nice round with great hiding places awaits us here and when we stand at the end of the round after a while we have a few meters on our feet, but we always have a smile on our faces because of the beautiful cans we encountered. Sometimes we had to search...

Then came the highlight of the day: the Labcaches mess in the brewery. I know not everyone likes the Lab caches. But here they are thematically very nice, show a great round and end in a grandiose mystery (GC8K6P7). Admittedly, we play the Labcaches with the car as a vehicle, because for the oh so small place they are quite apart. Yes, you are shown something and the old brewery is not next to the new one....
Once you have played all the lab caches, you can start solving the mystery. You get different testimonies in a very funny way - and one of them lies... It's your job to find out who. You can ask witnesses about this. Very funny and you end up in front of a nice finale. At first we thought "here?" and "should we really go there?". But yes, of course everything has been agreed upon and since the final is soooo beautiful, it puts everyone in a good mood.

After the day didn't seem to be topped, we went canning in Aying. Well, just a round of fishing in the woods…. (that's what we thought, at least I did...). Fishing isn't my favorite type of cache, but it can get boring for a group quite quickly. Here the caches to be fished were (of course) lovingly designed again and I was more and more convinced that the next purchase would be a 3D printer. What you can do....
So we fished our way through the woods - and finally we got to the bonus. Okay, I didn't expect anything special here, after all it was about the fishing trip. And suddenly fishing was completely forgotten, we dived into an absolutely amazing bonus and lost all sense of space and time here. I have permission from the owners to spoiler here on the blog. But here with this cache I just like to withhold it from you. You just have to do it...
We ended our third day in Aying-Land with this great impression.

The whole smile on the face didn't bring us a log book, though. So we examined the plaque more closely and found something very suspicious. No logbook or little jar yet, of course - no, just the opportunity to open the board. And then there was radio silence with us. That could not be true. So, quick find and log is not here! There were a few tasks waiting for us. Sometimes we stood on the hose for a few minutes, sometimes it was perfectly clear what had to be done, and yet the round didn't want to go into the square.... In any case, we had our fun and can only recommend bringing some time here and keeping the group small. Otherwise not everyone will have fun.
After a somewhat more complex dismantling, we still headed back towards the Cachemobil with a smile on our faces. Of course we lost the blue heart....
Now we were actually done with all the previously existing caches of Team Aying. But one highlight was still waiting for us. We get to test the cursed hut. Okay, sounds exciting, we thought. The cache is actually called "De verfluachte Hüttn", GC8NT9G. Hard to pronounce for me, but understandable. There is actually nothing to add to my log of June 26, 2020. This "thing" is just plain fun. You have a station in the forest, it's a tradition. We learned well from Team Aying that this does not predict anything about the length and effort on site. This time our task was quite modest: just laugh!!!! And we have. I really almost fell on the floor laughing when we stood in front of the hut. And we played it at least four times until everyone had calmed down a bit and also added a little film and photo... Well, you need some time for the fun after all. And it is guaranteed that you will be in a good mood as you head towards the Cachemobil. And think about how you can formulate your log entry. A slightly different cache by this team, which is worth at least one blue heart.
When we had our first visit to Aying-Land (I've been here several times in the meantime), it was a Corona replacement solution, actually we would have been far away abroad during this time. "Back then" we didn't have any designated hotspots in Germany and no hotel restrictions and the like. Even if the report tempts you a little to visit these caches - and of course the report is supposed to do that too... - look at the current situation and don't take any risks. You know, no cache in the world is worth it…. With the good care and maintenance by the owner team, you don't have to worry that the caches will no longer exist tomorrow. Of course, the treasure hunt in the forest in Bavaria is still one of the holiday options that can beautify your autumn. Have fun and stay healthy!
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