Virtual Cache - a spiritual geocaching type of cache

The Virtual Cache is a type of geocaching cache represented by a white ghost on the map.

Virtual Cache

If you look at the caching list of a place and start looking for this cache type and fulfill the log condition, the white ghost turns into a laughing smiley face as a reward.

Virtual Cache – log conditions

Virtual caches are one of the few caches without a logbook and box. However, the coordinates mentioned in the listing bring the cacher directly to the right place. You have to prove the find by making an entry in the logbook. There are two types of virtual caches: one requires photo evidence/a photo of the cacher or – if he is camera shy – of his GPS device or some other unique object. The others have questions in the listing that can be answered on site and emailed to the owner. The cache's answers should only be found on site, so that there is evidence that the geocacher actually visited the virtual cache. In the age of street view and good networking among cachers, however, this can sometimes be circumvented. Nevertheless: the log condition of a virtual cache is that you have to have been on site. And not many years ago, as the virtuals are often located at well-known sights that you may have visited in your life before geocaching. You might have photo proof in your personal photo archive. You also have to have been at the coordinates on the day of the log in order to be allowed to log the virtual cache. So-called couch caches have not existed at for a long time. Photo evidence or answers to questions on site are required.

What seems like a disadvantage on the one hand also has advantages on the other. Virtual ones were originally intended for places and special places that just couldn't handle a can. So it is often the case today that the virtual caches point to special sights without having to find a muggle-proof hiding place there.

Virtual Cache - Old and New

Virtuals could be placed until November 2005, after that there were no more new virtual caches. Perhaps that is where their popularity comes from. For one thing, the little ghosts on Groundspeak's map are rather rare, they look cute - and if you found one, it was usually an old cache - at least from before 11/2005. In August 2017, Groundspeak had a surprise in store. As a thank you, 4000 cache owners worldwide, who were determined by Groundspeak in a secret process, were given the opportunity to create a new virtual each. It's a pity that a large part of these virtual caches that were given away weren't laid at all.

Nevertheless, the number of virtual caches increased again. In any case, such a small ghost on the map is still something special and is often visited with pleasure.

Nevertheless, the number of virtual caches increased again. In any case, such a small ghost on the map is still something special and is often visited with pleasure.

Rarity, cuteness and beautiful places - these are probably the reasons why the virtual caches are generally very popular.

If you want to read more about the different types of caches, such as Earthcaches, Multi, etc. then check out our blogs

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